This term we will be looking at the following value:



Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope all had a relaxing and enjoyable half term. The children have settled really well back into the school routine and I have seen lots of excellent learning taking place. Yesterday, a range of children from years 1 to 6 took part in the restorative elections and I am delighted to inform you that our ambassadors for the summer term will be: 

Huxley Year 1

Freddie Year 2

Grace Year 3

Brody Year 4

Ruby in Year 5

and Mitzi in Year 6.

The ambassadors will be supporting the children on the playground helping to ensure that everyone plays together in a kind and friendly way. We will be having our first assembly to parents about the restorative principles on Tuesday 12th July at 14:45. 

Thank you to all of you who completed the parent questionnaire. The feedback is incredibly useful and will be used to improve the education we offer as a school.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Griffin




Charlton News

On the 4th July there will be a non-uniform day in  exchange for a bottle to be used at the bottle    tombola stall at the school fete. This could be anything from a bottle of wine to a bottle of squash.

Children in Year 5/6 will be bringing home a dietary requirement form to complete for their Hill End residential trip. Please can you return this to the office by 17th June.

Please see attached the Primary School Health Team Newsletter with lots of hints and tips for staying healthy.




Important Notices

On the 4th July there will be a non-uniform day in exchange for a bottle to be used at the   bottle  tombola stall at the school fete. This could be anything from a bottle of wine to a bottle of squash.

Children in Year 5/6 will be bringing home a dietary requirement form to complete for their Hill End residential trip. Please can you return this to the office by 17th June.

Please see attached the Primary School Health Team Newsletter with lots of hints and tips for staying healthy.





Key Dates for your diary

22nd June: Rags to Riches Collection. Please fill a bag with your unwanted clothes and bring it to school. All clothes collected are  currently going to the Ukraine.

23rd June: Hill End Parent Information meeting at 3.15.

8th July: School sports day, Charlton School Field.

9th July: Summer fete 2-4pm, Charlton School Field.

13th-15th July: Year 5/6 pupils. Hill End Camp residential trip.

Change to PE days!

During the second half of the summer term,

PE days will be as follows:

FSU on a Thursday

Year 1/2 on a Thursday

Year 3/4 on a Friday

Year 5/6 on a Friday

Children will need to come into school in their PE kit on these days. 




Celebrations this week

Explorer Respect Amber for good listening and hard work in phonics.
Pathfinder Resilience Alby for excellent work in phonics.
Adventurer Resilience Jaxon for persevering with his reading and times tables.
Navigator Resilience Gracie for working really hard on her writing.



Breakfast Club & CAST

Drop & Play: Mon-Fri 8.30am-8.45am

Breakfast club: Mon-Fri 7.50am-8.45am

CAST times: Mon-Thurs 3.15pm-4.15pm or 3.15pm-5.30pm.

If you would like your child to attend Breakfast Club, Drop & Play or CAST, please book a place using the app. CAST is open to reception through to year 6 children  only.

CAST mobile no: 07395182892.





In FSU this week the children have settled back well after the Jubilee and Half Term holiday. They have been writing and talking about their pets and how to look after different animals. Those in on Thursday afternoon enjoyed their first tennis session with a qualified coach.






This week we started our new PE topic of tennis! We are lucky to be joined by Miss Tucker who will be helping to teach us lots of new skills. We started off by working on our ball skills, we practiced catching and even clapping quickly  before we caught the ball! 

A reminder that next Wednesday we are going on our trip to the Cotswold Wildlife Park. Please ensure consent forms are returned as soon as possible.





Year 3 and 4 have been looking at different artists that create artwork based on plants and the rainforest. On Wednesday we looked at an artist calledĀ Henri Rousseau. We looked at a range of different pieces he created and then had a go at creating our own. We blended the primary coloursĀ  to help create different shades of green to help give our pieces depth.




Children in Year 5/6 have been exploring Creation stories and this week have looked at what Christians believe about how the world was created. They acted out the Genesis story in RE. 



Please contact Miss Giles, Mrs Clarke or Mr Griffin should you have any safeguarding concerns. Heather Phillips is our Safeguarding Governor, and she can also be contacted via the school office.




COVID-19- Latest Government update can be found here:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - NHS (

If you have any questions regarding the guidance, please do not hesitate to get in contact with the school and we will go through this with you. If your child does have to self-isolate, the school will provide home learning for them for the duration of this time.

Charlton-on-Otmoor C of E Primary School

Fencott Road,





Contact Information

Tel: 01865 331 239


Statutory Info

School Prospectus: Coming Soon

EYF Early Years School Prospectus: Digital Online Flipbook

Click here for Oxfordshire's local offer for support and services for disabled children and young people from 0-25.

If you have a query please contact Miss Giles or Mrs North on

For queries regarding Special Educational Needs (SEN) please contact Zoe Wells on