This term we will be looking at the following value:



Dear Parents,

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you all to Sports Day 2022. I would like to thank in advance Suzanne Kirkwood from the Cooper School and her students for their support in running the event. We are very grateful for the PTA in putting up the gazebos to keep the children cool as we are expecting some hot weather this afternoon. This year we will emailing out school reports. Reception and KS1 reports will be sent out on Monday with KS2 reports sent to families on Tuesday. Year 6 parents will also receive their child's SATs results on Tuesday next week.

Have a great weekend, Mr Griffin.





Charlton News


The reports will be sent out next week. Please read the report comment sheet attached to explain what the comments mean.


Important Notices

Please take extra care when dropping off and collecting children at the start and end of the school day. We had an incident this week at school pick up when a car reversed without looking where they were going!

The beginning and end of the school day are busy times for pedestrians and vehicles outside the school.  Please remember to:

  • Always park and turn legally around the school.
  • Never double park as it puts children at risk.
  • Manoeuvres such as U-turns and three-point turns are dangerous.
  • Never park in a bus zone.
  • Make sure your children use the rear footpath side door to get in and out of the car.

Thank you.







Key Dates for your diary

9th July: Summer fete 2-4pm, Charlton School Field.

11th July: Year 5/6 variety performance to   parents 15:30 – 16:00

13th-15th July: Year 5/6 pupils. Hill End Camp residential trip. Please send a packed lunch with them on Wednesday in a disposable bag.

18th July: Year 6 Celebration Afternoon with Reverend Lisa.

19th July: Year 5 and 6 Party Afternoon 13.00-15.15pm

21st July: Leavers Assembly in the Church 10-11am parents are welcome to come along.

School finishes at 1.15pm for the summer holidays.






Celebrations this week

Explorer Respect Matilda for trying hard with her reading at home.
Pathfinder Respect Henry for being a great reading partner every morning.
Adventurer Respect/Resilience Jaxon for being a good role model on our trip and making an improved effort in his writing.
Navigator Resilience Isobel for working hard on her art this week.



Breakfast Club & CAST

Drop & Play: Mon-Fri 8.30am-8.45am

Breakfast club: Mon-Fri 7.50am-8.45am

CAST times: Mon-Thurs 3.15pm-4.15pm or 3.15pm-5.30pm.

If you would like your child to attend Breakfast Club, Drop & Play or CAST, please book a place using the app. CAST is open to reception through to year 6 children  only.

CAST mobile no: 07395182892.





This week FSU would like to thank the PTA for  securing the Tesco grant last year and giving us some extra class budget to purchase lots of items which have really enhanced our outdoor area. We now have a new activity table, picnic style bench with sun umbrella, play bricks, dart board and Velcro dart balls, child sized brooms, set of stacking crates, enamel mugs and bowls for the mud kitchen, woven set of numbers and a tough tray.






Whole School Nature Week

Next week, we are excited to be having a whole school theme week. Our theme will be ‘Local Nature’. FSU will be looking at woodland nature through the Gruffalo story. They will think about wildlife and  characters. They will explore building with natural objects that made might be found there. KS1 and KS2 will celebrate and explore local nature and artists. There will be cross-curricular learning opportunities such as science and writing. The focus of the week will be to consolidate art skills learnt across the year.







Year 3/4 had an exciting day this week. We went on our trip to the Living Rainforest. The class were all very excited and were excellently behaved on site. We saw lots of interesting animals and some amazing plants that have all adapted to live in the ever changing conditions in the rainforest.

I had a great day and I know the children did too.






Year 5/6 have done some wonderful landscape paintings inspired by David Hockney. They took pictures on the school field and then based their final piece from one of the photographs. 





Please contact Miss Giles, Mrs Clarke or Mr Griffin should you have any safeguarding concerns. Heather Phillips is our Safeguarding Governor, and she can also be contacted via the school office.


Report Comments

We hope that you enjoy reading this year’s school report. All of the children have worked incredibly hard, so the school report will help to celebrate their success!  You will notice this year’s report is in a new format. Explanations of the different sections and what the comments mean are explained below.

Teachers have written about your child and their progress across the curriculum. As well as this, teachers have given assessments for reading, writing, maths and science. Children will be assessed as to whether they have achieved the Age Related Expectations (ARE) for their year group. Children are assessed as either:

  • Working Towards ARE
  • Working At ARE
  • Greater Depth ARE.

Attitudes section

Attitude to Learning- teachers have reflected on children’s behaviour and behaviour towards their own learning.

Attitude towards others – this includes their behaviour towards peers and staff.

Attitude to home learning – this takes into consideration homework, reading, spelling etc.















COVID-19- Latest Government update can be found here:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - NHS (

If you have any questions regarding the guidance, please do not hesitate to get in contact with the school and we will go through this with you. If your child does have to self-isolate, the school will provide home learning for them for the duration of this time.

Charlton-on-Otmoor C of E Primary School

Fencott Road,





Contact Information

Tel: 01865 331 239


Statutory Info

School Prospectus: Coming Soon

EYF Early Years School Prospectus: Digital Online Flipbook

Click here for Oxfordshire's local offer for support and services for disabled children and young people from 0-25.

If you have a query please contact Miss Giles or Mrs North on

For queries regarding Special Educational Needs (SEN) please contact Zoe Wells on