Home School Agreement
At Charlton-on-Otmoor C.E. Primary School we believe that a successful partnership between the School, the church, the parents and the pupils helps each pupil to take full advantage of all that the School has to offer. The following Agreement supports this partnership in the interests of our children.
- Promote high standards of work and behaviour.
- Support the values of the School.
- Provide a balanced and appropriate curriculum.
- Provide a caring and nurturing learning environment where each child is valued
- Provide work suitable for pupils' ages and abilities which helps them to progress.
- Expect high standards of behaviour and promote respect for all.
- Recognise and celebrate hard work and effort of your child
- Provide effective means of communication between home and school and respond quickly to any enquiries or concerns.
- Monitor pupils' progress and provide advice and guidance over their work.
- Provide and mark homework in accordance with the School Homework Policy.
- Notify parents of any concerns relating to their child's progress or conduct.
- Ensure that my child attends school regularly, on time and with everything s/he needs.
- Let the School know of any concerns or problems that might affect my child's learning, behaviour or well-being.
- Regularly attend parents' consultation meetings to review my child's progress.
- Support the School's rules and expectations as set out in the Behaviour Policy.
- Ensure that my child's homework is supported, completed and returned on time.
- Support the School's Christian ethos and encourage my child to take part in the full life of the Church School.
- Inform the school immediately of any absence.
- Not arrange holiday in term-time (unless under exceptional circumstances).
- Ensure that my child wears the correct uniform each day.
- Ensure that my child adheres to the School's mobile phone policy.
- Ensure the school is notified of any change in emergency contact numbers.
- Support the school in the teaching of safe and secure internet use at school and home.
- Will not use social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter) to distribute untruthful or malicious information or comments about pupils, parents or staff.
- Treat other people as I would like to be treated.
- I will be polite to other children and to members of staff.
- Tell a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy.
- Respect other pupils' culture, race, feelings, beliefs and values.
- Come to school on time, with the things I need.
- Wear my school uniform with pride and be tidy in my appearance.
- Always try my best.
- Follow the School's rules on behaviour both in and out of the classroom.