We believe very strongly that every child should be provided with meals which should be wholesome and locally sourced, exciting children as well as giving them the nutrition they need.

Our school meals balance them eating what they are familiar and happy with, alongside gentle temptation to try new things. 

School Dinners cost £2.50 Per day

All payments and bookings must be made through Arbor. 

School policy is dinners must be paid for on the Monday of each week at a cost of £2.50 per day.

The class teacher takes class register each morning and will ask the children if they have a packed lunch with them or require a school dinner. It is important they know what they are having.

If you have already paid and your child is off school for any reason then the money will carry over as a credit onto your account.

Free School Meals

Is my child eligible?

From September 2014 all pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2 are eligible for free school meals (FSMs).

Free school meals are also offered to children in years 3-6 whose parents receive:

  • Income Support
  • income based Employment & Support Allowance
  • income based Jobseekers Allowance
  • support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit provided your annual income as assessed by the Inland Revenue does not exceed £16,190 and provided that Working Tax Credit is not included.

We are not allowed to recognise any other benefit other than those mentioned above.

Reception, years 1 & 2 are entitled to a school meal.

However, it is still really important for the school that if any parent of a child in these years groups are on income support (from list above) they need to complete the FSM form. In doing this additional funding is provided to the school to support learning.

How to apply

Ask for an application form from the school office, complete it and return to the school together with proof of benefit so that your school can assess eligibility. With your permission we can check your eligibility. 

  • Income Support - letter from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)/Jobcentre Plus dated within one month of application showing breakdown of income support payment.
  • Income Based Employment & Support Allowance - letter from DWP/Jobcentre Plus dated within one month of application.
  • Child Tax Credit (without Working Tax Credit and 'annual income as assessed by the Inland Revenue' of below the threshold figure for the year) - All pages of the TC602 Inland Revenue tax credit award notice for the current tax year.
  • State pension credit - Pension Credit M1000 Award Notice.

Asylum seekers will need to provide a National Asylum and Support Service (NASS) support notice or IS96 document including details of authority providing support under part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999. You will be required to supply:

  • NASS reference number
  • Port reference number
  • Name of authority

When to apply

You should apply to your school when you first start to receive benefit as claims are not backdated. Your eligibility will be reviewed at least every six months by the school.

You should notify the school immediately if any changes occur to your benefits.


Charlton-on-Otmoor C of E Primary School

Fencott Road,





Contact Information

Tel: 01865 331 239

Email: parents@charltonono.co.uk

Statutory Info

School Prospectus: Coming Soon

EYF Early Years School Prospectus: Digital Online Flipbook

Click here for Oxfordshire's local offer for support and services for disabled children and young people from 0-25.

If you have a query please contact Miss Giles or Mrs North on enquiries@charltonono.co.uk

For queries regarding Special Educational Needs (SEN) please contact Zoe Wells on sendco@charltonono.co.uk