School Uniform Charlton-on-Otmoor
It is our policy that all children should wear school uniform when attending school, outside trips, or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal hours.
Aims and Objectives
We think our school uniform should:
- promote a sense of pride in the school;
- foster a feeling of community and belonging;
- be practical and smart;
- associate the children with the school;
- not be distracting in class (as fashion clothes might be);
- make children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance;
- be good value for money;
- be designed with health and safety in mind.
Required Uniform
- Royal blue sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece (Charlton-on-Otmoor School logo is optional and available to order from school or online)
- Grey or black trousers, shorts, culottes, skirt or pinafore dress
- White shirt or blouse, or plain white polo shirt or polo with school logo
- White, grey or black socks
- White, grey or black tights
- In summer, a blue and white striped or checked dress
- Sensible and practical black school shoes
- Flat sensible leather or similar boots for cold, wet weather
- A coat suitable for the season's weather conditions
- Wellingtons for gardening activities (children will be advised when their turn is)
Seasonal protection
Children may of course bring scarves, hats, gloves etc… in cold weather. In summer, the children are encouraged to wear caps/ sunhats. School caps are available to purchase from school.
- A blue Charlton book bag or small ruck sack, available to purchase from the school office
- From Year 5 - children may choose to bring their own pencil case but all equipment will be provided by school.
- Blue or black shorts
- White t-shirt or polo shirt (a change from school wear)
- Spare socks
- Trainers
- Navy jogging bottoms or leggings and plain navy (no logos) sweatshirt/hoodie for cold weather.
Children will be changing for PE at school prior to their lesson. Whilst their sessions are timetabled weekly, children take part in a variety of physical activities throughout the week and we recommend that PE kits are kept in school every day and only taken home if it needs washing.
Hair and accessories
- Long hair should be tied back. This is to avoid the transference of head lice and is also essential during PE for Health and Safety reasons.
- Jewellery such as rings, bracelets, necklaces etc should not be worn to school.
- Children with pierced ears should only wear stud type ear-rings. They should be able to remove and replace these themselves for PE and other physical activities.
- Children should not wear make-up to school including nail polish.
- Watches can be worn but need to be removed for PE.
Nursery Children
It is optional for nursery children to wear school uniform, although most children do choose to wear it.
The role of parents
We appreciate your cooperation and support of our uniform policy. You can help us by making sure that all items are named, clean and in good repair.
Should there be a problem on a particular day sending your child in the correct uniform (for example: broken shoes, washing machine malfunction etc) please let the office know. We appreciate these things can happen, but would ask that you return to complete uniform as soon as you can.
Where parents are experiencing financial difficulties in complying with the dress code, we will try to help in any way we can. Please make an appointment with the Headteacher to discuss how we can help.

Uniform Supplies
Our uniform suppliers are Brigade -
Contact: Phone 024 7642 1083
Fax 024 7646 4618
Garments are made from hardwearing dye-fast fabrics (no fading) and produced to withstand the rigours of school life. Each item is embroidered/printed with the school crest (except where stated).
Garments available:
Chest Size Guide: Please note the sizes are guidelines only