The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a voluntary group of parents and school staff who organise events during the year to raise funds for the school. Government funding to schools is reducing and so income raised by PTAs is now an integral part of the school’s budget. Each year we work with the Governing Body & Head Teacher to identify the fundraising priorities.
Last academic year we raised over £5000 which was spent on School workshops and trips, books, a new rug for the FSU, outdoor water equipment, an art easel, giant chalks and scissors.
We organise various fundraising events throughout the year to enable the school and local community to come together and we aim to get a half- termly newsletter out to keep everybody up-to-date on events & funds raised.
You will find the provisional event schedule below, but if you have any further ideas for events or would like to help out with any of them, please get in touch -
You automatically become a member of the PTA when your child joins Charlton-on-Otmoor school, but there is also a committee who get together each half term to organise the various events.
Our current PTA members are:
Becky Hodgins, Ceri Fraemohs, Feicity North, Louise Lehane, Melanie Gilbert-Wines, Rachel Matthews and Sam Hatwell
Please contact us if you would like to get involved in any way!