All children are entitled to 15 hours of free nursery schooling, the term after they turn three. At Charlton-on-Otmoor CofE Primary we offer either morning, afternoon or all day sessions.
Some families might be eligible for 30 hours of free nursery care per week. You can check your eligibility at
Addiditional hours are charged at £6 per hour.
Morning sessions 8.45am to 11.45am
Afternoon sessions 1pm to 3.15pm.
All day sessions 08:45am to 3:15pm
For nursery admissions, please apply directly to the school, not Oxfordshire County Council.
You can collect waiting list and enrolment forms from our main school reception or phone 01865 331239 or email for information and to request copies of these forms.
Alternatively, you can download a copy of the waiting list form below.
When you have completed the form please return by email to or you can bring the form in to our main reception at school.
When you apply for a place at nursery we will usually contact you the term before your child is due to begin attending
The team will then talk to you about visits to nursery and settling your child in nursery.