This term we will be looking at the following value:



Dear Parents,

We are excited to inform you that we have arranged two transition mornings before the end of term. Both transition mornings will take place between 9.15-11.50 on Tuesday 12th and Tuesday19th July. From September, Miss Airey will be taking on the role of SENCO with Mrs Rawson leaving us at the end of the summer term. They are working hard to ensure a smooth transition ready for the start of the new school year.

Have a great weekend!

Mr Griffin.




Charlton News

Eco-Council News

On Tuesday we had our Energy Awareness Day. We had an assembly first thing and then classes carried out a variety of activities outside. Less electricity was used by not using lighting or any electrical equipment. We combined the day with our school grounds topic. Everyone enjoyed spending time outside gardening, making bug hotels  and lots of other activities.



Important Notices

Please see the flyer attached from the PTA regarding School Fete and bring a bottle for the Tombola.






Key Dates for your diary

22nd June: Rags to Riches Collection. Please fill a bag with your unwanted clothes and bring it to school. All clothes collected are  currently going to the Ukraine.

23rd June: Hill End Parent Information meeting at 3.15.

8th July: School sports day, Charlton School Field.

9th July: Summer fete 2-4pm, Charlton School Field.

13th-15th July: Year 5/6 pupils. Hill End Camp residential trip.

Change to PE days!

During the second half of the summer term,

PE days will be as follows:

FSU on a Thursday

Year 1/2 on a Thursday

Year 3/4 on a Friday

Year 5/6 on a Friday

Children will need to come into school in their PE kit on these days. 




Celebrations this week

Explorer Resilience F2 nursery children Minnie, Thea, Amber, Evelyn, Corey, Alice, Harry B for making such a great start with their RW1 phonics!
Pathfinder Resilience Felicity F or excellent progress reading.
Adventurer Resilience All year 4 children for working hard in their times table test.
Navigator Resilience Aubrey for stunning artwork in our David Hockney unit



Breakfast Club & CAST

Drop & Play: Mon-Fri 8.30am-8.45am

Breakfast club: Mon-Fri 7.50am-8.45am

CAST times: Mon-Thurs 3.15pm-4.15pm or 3.15pm-5.30pm.

If you would like your child to attend Breakfast Club, Drop & Play or CAST, please book a place using the app. CAST is open to reception through to year 6 children  only.

CAST mobile no: 07395182892.





In FSU this week we have really enjoyed reading the story Peace at Last by Jill Murphy. We identified all the places Mr Bear tried to sleep and what disturbed him in each place, even the youngest children joined in with sharing their ideas. 








What a fantastic day we had at the Cotswold Wildlife Park! It was a lovely sunny day and we saw so many amazing animals. Some of our favourites were the meerkats, the rhinos and the wolves. We chatted about whether they were carnivores, herbivores, predators or prey. Then we enjoyed having a snack in the shade whilst we watched the giraffes. In the afternoon, Miss Airey played a trick! We were surprised to find out we were going on the train! It was so much fun and we waved at lots of people. On the way home we were so tired from all our fun that lots of us had a sleep! What an amazing day!  Well done for all your amazing behaviour Year 1 and 2.






Year 3 and 4 took part in Energy Awareness day and spent the whole morning completing activities outside the classroom. We saved energy by not using technology and even made some bug hotels to help our outside environment. 





Year 5 and 6 celebrated Energy Awareness Day this week by switching off from the electricity in the classroom and going outside to make land art and bug houses. They loved the experience and made wonderful creations!




Please contact Miss Giles, Mrs Clarke or Mr Griffin should you have any safeguarding concerns. Heather Phillips is our Safeguarding Governor, and she can also be contacted via the school office.


COVID-19- Latest Government update can be found here:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - NHS (

If you have any questions regarding the guidance, please do not hesitate to get in contact with the school and we will go through this with you. If your child does have to self-isolate, the school will provide home learning for them for the duration of this time.

Charlton-on-Otmoor C of E Primary School

Fencott Road,





Contact Information

Tel: 01865 331 239


Statutory Info

School Prospectus: Coming Soon

EYF Early Years School Prospectus: Digital Online Flipbook

Click here for Oxfordshire's local offer for support and services for disabled children and young people from 0-25.

If you have a query please contact Miss Giles or Mrs North on

For queries regarding Special Educational Needs (SEN) please contact Zoe Wells on