Newsletter 10th May 2019
This month we will be looking at the following values:
- Humility
- Compassion
Dear Parents,
The children have a few more busy weeks ahead of them and half term is only 2 weeks away. Our Yr2 have finished their SATS this week, so well done for all your hard work. The Yr 6 children will starts their SATS next Monday.
Year 6 SATS
Our school attendance this week is 99.10%. Well done!
Cycling Training
Congratulations to our 6 cyclists who have all passed the cycling proficiency. Thank you to Mrs Pearson, Ms Heasley and Mr Kendall for training/supporting the children the last few weeks.

Vicki Dawson of The Children's Sleep Charity said: "Sleep is so important in order to ensure that children can meet their full potential in every aspect of their lives.
The website gives a rough guide to the number of hours sleep children need, but it does stress that it is also important to focus on sleep quality, not just quantity, and to establish a good bedtime routine.
The general guide is:
toddlers need around 12 hours of sleep a night;
children aged three to six - 10-12 hours;
seven-12 years olds - 10-11 hours;
and teenagers - around eight to nine hours.
The sleep council website goes on to say, 'What's interesting is that teachers can tell which pupils are well-rested and ready for the day ahead, and which are not. Also, parents don't seem to realise how sleep deprived their children are during the day and how it affects their behaviour and performance at school....For two thirds of teachers (65%) the problem is so serious they consider that the long term progress of their pupils can be affected while nearly half (48%) said lack of sleep made children unruly and badly behaved.'
School Menu
We need to swap the menu around next week for the school census. Thursday will now be fish and chips or cheese & onion pinwheels, and the burger in a bun and vegetarian lasagne will be on Friday. We are trying to have a popular menu on the school census as our UIFSM funding depends on the number of children from Reception and KS1 who eat at school that day. Please encourage your child to have a hot meal next Thursday.
School Uniform Orders
The children will have in their book bags a poster from Brigade (Uniform Supplier) regarding Uniform Order for next accademic year. You can order directly on their website and have the clothes delivered to the school (please order by 30/06/19) or directly to your home address (please order by 07/08/19). You can also order your child(ren)'s uniform via the school office for delivery before the end of Term (please order by 30/06/19) or for the first week in September (please order by 07/08/19)

Volunteer Readers
Cutest Pet Competition
We are pleased to announce that Emily F. won the cutest pet competition with her pet chameleon. Well done Emily! We raised £29 for Dogs Trust so thank you to all who took part.


Coffee Church on 17th May
Coffee Church @ Charlton – on – Otmoor Primary School
Songs, Games and Stories and Craft
Cake and Coffee, Tea
Fun activities for children and parents and others to share,
3.15 pm – 4.15 pm
Duck Race 9th June
Thanks to all those you have already purchased ducks. Ducks can still be purchased through the school office or just ask a PTA committee member in the playground. Please ask friends, family, neighbours etc.
On the day as well as the Duck Race we will be having some stalls with traditional games, produce to purchase, a BBQ and The Nut Tree will be running a bar.
Coffee Church
On Friday 17th May we have our first Coffee Church straight after school hosted by Rev. Lisa. This is for the whole family and community. The event is from 3.15pm to 4.15pm in the hall, there will be songs, games, crafts, stories led by Rev. Lisa and the PTA will be serving refreshments.
Easy Fund Raising
Don’t forget if you’re internet shopping or even booking a holiday on line have a look at doing it through the Easy Fund-Raising site. A percentage of your total spend from 0.5% to 6% depending on the company will be donated to the school. It’s easy to do and won’t cost you a penny, let friends and family know about it as well. See the link below or download the app.
If you have ideas or suggestions for raising money or would like to join the PTA committee please let us know via the playground, office, email or Facebook
Upcoming Events, Save the Dates
Friday 17th May 3.15pm – Coffee Church after school
Sunday 9th June 3pm– Duck Race
String lessons
We would still like to have a guitar class at school and would love to hear from you if your child is interested in studying guitar. It is a fun instrument that children will love playing alone or with their friends. If your child is interested, please get in touch with Oxfordshire Music Service. Tel: 01865 816990.
If your child is not going to be in school on a particular day, we would ask that you contact the office as soon as possible. If we haven't heard from you by 10 am, and we still have no idea where you child is, we have a safeguarding obligation to call the police. So please make sure you ring the office or email as early as you can.
Contacting the office
Please make sure that for all matters relating to the children (absence, pick up, clubs, etc...), you use the parents' email address ( as it is the only one that is manned every single day either by Mrs Lambert or Mrs Towler. Thank you.

Be friendly, respectful and kind | Ella (FSU) for always being kind and patient towards her friends |
Be responsible | All Yr2s for working hard, being calm and being superstars SATs-ers |
Be the best you can be | Sofia (Yr3/4) for having a good work ethic and being focused |

FSU | Maison for excellent sharing in Maths |
Yr 1/2 | Ronnie for working hard and being so enthusiastic |
Yr 3/4 | Willow for helping in class and being kind to her peers |
Yr 5/6 | Theo for always being polite in all activities and lessons |

Events or news outside school:
Bottle Tops Collection
We are happy to collect the bottle tops at school if you would like to participate.

Plant Sale

Millets Farm Family Fun Day
Letter from the Local Nurse Team
Please find below the current newsletter from the School Health Nurse Team for Bicester and Kidlington.
The current School Health Nurse is Laura Crane and Lisa Stockwell is the Community Staff Nurse and they can be contacted on 01869 604095.