Newsletter 24th April 2020

This half term we will be looking at the following value:

  • Resilience

- Letter from Mr Griffin

Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable Easter. We have been incredibly lucky with the warm weather and it has been so lovely to see families out walking and cycling together during this difficult time.

On Monday, I set the Year 1 and 2 class the challenge of writing about their Easter, and it was so pleasing to read about the range of exciting and innovative activities that have taken place. Below are some of their suggestions which you may want to try:

- Niamh suggests playing hide and seek using walkie talkies
- Orla had an amazing time camping in the garden
- Amelia has been doing lots of painting and even had a cinema night
- Henry recommends making the most of the weather and having a picnic even if this is in the garden
- Grace has been practicing her ballet skills
- Ben recommends going to the woods with your family
- Chloe learnt a new skill and has become better at skipping
- Isla has been very creative decorating her den

Mr Griffin's challenge:

Next week, we will be displaying lots of the fun activities you have been up to over the past few weeks in the school newsletter.  We will choose the most creative and imaginative ones to share with you. Please email your photo entries to Mrs Towler at by Wednesday at 6pm.

I would like to thank all of you, parents and children for how incredibly well you have settled back into the routine of home learning. The teachers and staff are very appreciative of the extra efforts you are making to complete the activities set. Do please continue to give us feedback and let us know if there are any improvements we can make or steps we can introduce to support you.  If you are having difficulties uploading your child's work, please contact 123 ICT (see poster below) or contact teachers directly via the classroom stream. To receive feedback from your class teacher, children need to go into the previous day's assignment.

Next week we will be uploading reading record sheets onto Google classroom. Please complete these to let us know how many times your child has read. We will be using the newsletter to celebrate those children who are excelling with their reading. 

I found this document earlier which has some useful advice regarding learning from home. It only takes a couple of minutes to read and would be worth sharing with all of your children to support them with their learning:

Please continue to adhere to the e-safety rules that you can find on the school website:

Have a great weekend.
Stay safe


The children and members of staff designed those lovely banners to support the NHS. Thank you everyone.

- A Kid's Guide To Feeling Lonely

You can download the book from the website following the link below:

- Reading Record Milestone

Well done to these people for reaching a Reading Record Milestone (every 25 nights) in their Reading Record.

Y1 Y2 Y3
Ben F Ronnie Neive
Estelle Rufus Beatrice
Isla Molly Aubrey
Florence Archie #
George B # #
Y4 Y5 Y6
Emily Willem Wilf
Mitzi Emily #
Kara # #
# # #
# # #

Please do continue to send the record of your child's reading using the Thank you

- Home Learning


FSU have been very productive again this week, it was really hard to choose!

We had some super videos too which unfortunately we can’t share in the newsletter, but the teachers enjoyed watching and seeing all the good things being learnt!

- Jamie- wrote her numbers to 20
- Daisy- drew a picture of a sheep and wrote her name on it.
- Oliver H counted his farm animals in maths.
- Henry sent us a video of him doing some amazing maths. Here is a picture of him in a mask he also made this week.
- Alby also did some great work including some very hard maths and practising forming his numbers.

- Yr1/2

Some fantastic art work & English work from the Yr1/2 children. Well done!

The contributors are:

Ben, Amelia, Molly, Ronnie, Rufus, Jaxon, Archie, Niahms, Orla & Brody.

- Yr 3/4

Some great Mondrian art work and other work from the children. Well done!

In order of appearance :
Aubrey, Emily, Mitzi, Lucas, Beatrice, Emilia & Lucas.

Over the Easter holidays, Mrs Bending set her class a green screen challenge to use green screen software and see where the children could travel to:

Emilia went to Everest and the rainforest & Ruby went to the moon!

- Yr 5/6

Some great science work by Jamie & a fabulous description by Edward.

- How to apply for free school meals

Ask for an application form from your child’s school (see link below), complete it and return to the school together with proof of benefit so that your school can assess eligibility.

Link to application form:

Proof of benefit cannot be demonstrated by a bank statement or photocopies, only by an original of the following:

- Income Support - letter from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)/Jobcentre Plus dated within one month of application showing breakdown of income support payment.

- Income Based Employment & Support Allowance - letter from DWP/Jobcentre Plus dated within one month of application.

- Child Tax Credit (without Working Tax Credit and 'annual income as assessed by the Inland Revenue' of below the threshold figure for the year) - All pages of the TC602 Inland Revenue tax credit award notice for the current tax year.

- State pension credit - Pension Credit M1000 Award Notice.

Asylum seekers will need to provide a National Asylum and Support Service (NASS) support notice or IS96 document including details of authority providing support under part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999. You will be required to supply:

* NASS reference number
* Port reference number
* Name of authority

When to apply?
You should apply to your school when you first start to receive benefit as claims are not backdated. Your eligibility will be reviewed at least every six months by the school.

You should notify the school immediately if any changes occur to your benefits.

- Various Information

To keep you all busy, on our website we have been putting links to all sorts of interesting and exciting activities for all ages:

These are updated regularly so keep checking it for new ideas.

There are also links for technical support and how to use Google Classroom:

Remember to keep reading and filling in reading records.  


Charlton-on-Otmoor C of E Primary School

Fencott Road,





Contact Information

Tel: 01865 331 239


Statutory Info

School Prospectus: Coming Soon

EYF Early Years School Prospectus: Digital Online Flipbook

Click here for Oxfordshire's local offer for support and services for disabled children and young people from 0-25.

If you have a query please contact Miss Giles or Mrs North on

For queries regarding Special Educational Needs (SEN) please contact Zoe Wells on