Newsletter 24th May 2019
This month we will be looking at the following values:
- Humility
- Compassion
Dear Parents,
Our KS2 children had a chaotic morning at the Cooper school for the quadkids tournament on Wednesday but they really enjoyed the events. We are especially proud of Sofia and Wilf for being patient at every event and of Grace and Phoebe for their determination in running the 600m race! Please go to the EVENTS tab to see more pictures.

Our school attendance this week is 93.01%. We have been plagued by a sickness bug this last few days so we hope that everybody will get better very soon and will be back at school rested and in good health. Don't forget that Monday 3rd June is an inset day. Have a great half term.
Children and sickness - 48h
Can we remind everyone that when a child is sick (vomiting/diarrhoea), he/she needs to stay at home for 48 h.
Please refer to the NHS recommendation:
Dear Parents and the Community,
Come and engage yourselves in Egypt and become an Egyptian Explorer Experts at our Egyptian museum.

When: 9-10am, Friday 28th June (during open morning)
Where: Year 3 and 4 classroom
We have been learning about Ancient Egypt and we want to share our knowledge with you!
There will be honey cake to sample, wrapping the mummies, writing your name in hieroglyphics as well as seeing the artefacts we made.
We will look forward to welcoming you.
Year 3 and 4
A huge thank you to the volunteers that helped put the FSU shed up at the weekend. It looks fabulous and makes the whole FSU garden seem much bigger.

Caretaker/Cleaner Job and 1:1 SEN Teaching Assistant
If you are interested in the caretaker job or 1:1 SEN TA, please follow the links below:
String Lessons
Two children have now signed up for guitar lessons so we just need one more child for a class to start at school. If your child would like to have guitar lessons at school, we would love to hear from you. It is a fun instrument that children will love playing alone or with their friends. If your child is interested, please get in touch with Oxfordshire Music Service. Tel: 01865 816990.
Please do check the school calendar on the School Life App to find out what the children are up to until the end of this accademic year.
Duck Race 9th June
The Duck Race will soon be upon us. Please let us know through the office or approach a PTA member if you can help to set up, man a stall or clear away, all offers of help are really appreciated, even just half an hour of your time would be great.
Ducks are still for sale through the school office or via email. I have left some more forms with the office. It should be a fun day out for everyone please tell friends, family, neighbours etc. As well as the duck races we will be having stalls with games, produce to purchase, a BBQ, refreshments etc.
Coffee Church
Coffee Church was great fun last week, hosted by Rev. Lisa. The children did craft work, sang songs, played games and listened to a story all based around fish. The PTA sold tea and cakes. The next one will be on Friday 5th July from 3.15pm
Ice Lolly Friday
After half term we’re re-starting Ice Lolly Friday, so don’t forget to put 50p in your pocket for Friday pick up!
Easy Fund Raising
A great way to raise funds whilst internet shopping is through the Easy Fund-Raising site. A percentage of your total spend from 0.5% to 6% depending on the company will be donated to the school. It’s easy to do and won’t cost you a penny, let friends and family know about it as well. It's easy to set up and with over 3000 companies donating money there’s something for everyone. See the link below or download the app.
If you have ideas or suggestions for raising money or would like to join the PTA committee please let us know via the playground, office, email or Facebook
Upcoming Events, Save the Dates
Sunday 9th June 3pm– Duck Race
Friday 5th July 3.15pm – Coffee Church after school
If your child is not going to be in school on a particular day, we would ask that you contact the office as soon as possible. If we haven't heard from you by 10 am, and we still have no idea where you child is, we have a safeguarding obligation to call the police. So please make sure you ring the office or email as early as you can.
Contacting the office
Please make sure that for all matters relating to the children (absence, pick up, clubs, etc...), you use the parents' email address ( as it is the only one that is manned every single day either by Mrs Lambert or Mrs Towler. Thank you.
School Uniform Orders
Please don't forget to order your uniform from Brigade for next accademic year. You can order directly on their website and have the clothes delivered to the school (please order by 30/06/19) or directly to your home address (please order by 07/08/19). You can also order your child(ren)'s uniform via the school office for delivery before the end of Term (please order by 30/06/19) or for the first week in September (please order by 07/08/19)

WEEK BEGINNING 20th May 2019

Be friendly, respectful and kind | Aubrey (Yr 1/2) for always being kind and helpful to his friends at breakfast club |
Be responsible | Lily (Yr 5/6) for always being responsible and supporting her classmates with their work |
Be the best you can be | Phoebe & Grace (Yr 3/4) for their fantastic 600m run! |

FSU | Alby for always being polite to peers and adults and for being happy to always try |
Yr 1/2 | Amelia for constantly hard working in all areas |
Yr 3/4 | Lucas for being a happy super star |
Yr 5/6 | Charlie for being focussed and having a grown mindset |

Alby was poorly today so is not in the picture. Get well soon!